We thank you for partnering with Fresh Start Church.

Your gift will be put to work immediately in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our community, our region and beyond. We understand that you can give anywhere and we are thankful for any and all size gifts. Rest assured; you have planted in good, honest soil. Fresh Start Church takes your giving seriously and ALL monies are handled with the highest levels of financial integrity. Once again, THANK YOU for your wonderful generosity and God bless you richly!

OR you can mail your gift to: Fresh Start Church, 34 Maple Street, Hornell, New York 14843

The Outreach Arm Of FSC

We help the local community by hosting outreach events and monthly giving away free clothes, food & household items. basis. When an emergency arises, we display God’s love, so people truly encounter the Father’s caring heart. While we don’t give cash outright, we do all we can when deemed plausible and necessary to alleviate some of the stress when other pursued avenues of assistance have failed.

In December of 2023 R.I.S.E.N. teamed up with The Outpour Project directed by Revs. Erika & Meno Lopez to deliver & supply the tangible and practical needs of people not just in Hornell, but across the region & state. You can use the ‘Donate’ button above and state R.IS.E.N. as your middle name. We’ll make sure your gift is used specifically for outreaches through The Outpour Project. Or if you prefer you can mail your gift as stated above.